

October 30, 2004 ~ I have changed my site completely, just in case you didn't notice. These colors are way more me. Pink isn't really my thing. Also, my past updates are gone. *cry* I got a new update box, thanks to Thuggndiva. I know it doesn't really match, but I love this one. It's so cool, don't you think? Hopefully I will soon have my own domain name, and the ability to do whatever I want with my site. These free tripod things have no room for creativity. Sad, I know. Well, when I get my domain name, my site will be so much better and more well organized. It'll be the same colors as it is now, though, because I like these ones. Well, anyway, just look around the site and see all the stuff I changed. BTW, tomorrow is Halloween. I'm a pirate with my best friend, and we are going trick or treating. Heck yes. BTW again, I did not get 'heck yes'from Napoleon Dynamite. I haven't even seen that movie. I have been saying heck yes for a long time. Way before movie came out. And that's my ranting and raving for today. .

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